
Have you ever wondered how to care for a Monstera Albo? This kind of monstera is one of the popular plants for plant lovers like me. Almost of Plant lovers have Monsteras as houseplants but have no idea how to take care of them. That’s why I started this blog.

Now, just because more plant lovers are taking care of Monstera Albos doesn’t mean that there are lots of care tips for them. There are some advice and tactics for taking care of this plant online, but there isn’t a site with a ton of advice.

Since I saw the pictures of Monstera albo, I kept searching for this plant. It was love at first sight indeed, Who can’t even fall in love with this kind of monstera? That’s where the inspiration struck to begin my enjoyment-filled quest to discover more about the background and science of this plant. So I finally decided to make a blog about this plant and here it is.

Monstera Albo is a beautiful variation of Monstera deliciosa (but I think the word beautiful can’t justify the looks of it especially when it’s taken care of properly) with variegated leaves that can get quite big. It has marbling on its green and white leaves, that’s why it’s popular.

Monstera albo is a tropical plant that thrives in warm, humid environments. It requires bright indirect sunlight and humidity to thrive. If you are planting monstera albo outside your home, make sure that you select an area with plenty of sunlight but enough shade to keep it protected from the heat.

Monstera albo is a tropical plant that thrives in warm, humid environments. It requires bright indirect sunlight and humidity to thrive. If you are planting monstera albo outside your home, make sure that you select an area with plenty of sunlight but enough shade to keep it protected from the heat.

This is a subspecies of the well-known Monstera deliciosa and may known by the substantial white variegation on its split leaves.

Where can I buy/get monstera albo?

I remember I have been searching for weeks to get Monstera Albo plants and they are almost impossible to find in a local nursery. It’s really hard to get one although it’s a lovely and popular plant.

You can still get Monstera albo to come across individual growers and vendors that can cost anything from $150 to $5,000, depending on the plant collector.

BUT, before you get Monstera Albo you MUST know what basic care requirements they need like the temperature, light, and water.

Temperature Requirement of Monstera Albo

Monstera Albo is a tropical plant, so their ideal temperature is warm (65°F to 80°F).

Keep your plant away from drafty windows and air vents to maintain the proper temperature because this plant does not like cold weather.

Always remember that Monstera Albo loves humid and If you’re in a colder country or state you can get a humidifier to help your plant.

How do I water and feed my Monstera Albo?

The Monstera Albo is normally watered when the top inch of soil dries out because it is a little more hardy than most ornamental plants with large leaves. Keep in mind that this tropical beauty will thrive much more in drier soil than in wet, rainy conditions. It is advised to just water your plant when necessary, let it dry completely, and then water it once more to keep it happy and healthy.

You want to ensure that your plant receives the nutrients it needs to thrive and remain healthy. During the growing season (April through September), you can add a houseplant fertilizer to its diet approximately every two weeks.

Light for Monstera Albo

Almost every area in your house is a good place to plant Monstera! Although it can survive in low light, it grows more quickly and dramatically in an area with bright indirect light. Having said that, avoid being in direct sunlight because it may burn the foliage. If you don’t have access to a location with the appropriate lighting for your Monstera, use a grow lamp.

Your plant is likely receiving too much light if you have a south-facing window or a skylight that receives direct sunlight for a significant portion of the day. Leaf burn and blistering of the leaf tips may result from this. If leaves are receiving too much light, you may also see browning on their tips or borders.


If you have a monstera plant, kudos to you! These are some of the most beautiful and resilient plants there are. They don’t mind a variety of soil types, and they may thrive in low-light situations. There are a few annoyances, though, that could get in the way and harm your albo monstera.

The mealybugs, spider mites, aphids, thrips, and scales that most frequently attack this plant are pests. Take your albo monstera away from your other indoor plants if you see these pests or their telltale symptoms, such as webs, sticky substances, and tiny brown spots (typically on the foliage). By doing this, the infestation won’t spread.

And that’s it! All the basic care requirements are stated above. Hopefully, We help you to learn what you should know first before getting your Monstera.

If you have any suggestions please leave us a comment.

Thank you for reading!

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