How to know what type of Monstera you have?
When it comes to the monstera, you might have one and not even know what kind or variety it is.
Don’t worry! We’re here to help you figure it out.
We’ve got some handy guides to help you identify your variety.
So stay tuned!
The monstera is a plant that can be difficult to identify, but we’ve got some tips that will help you figure out which variety you have.
So now that we’ve established some baseline knowledge about Monsteras in general, let’s dive into identifying which variety yours might be!
1. Monstera Deliciosa
The Monstera Deliciosa is also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant.

Monstera Deliciosa is one of the popular varieties of Monstera plants and I think almost every one of us might have this. This type of Monstera Varieties has those big, gorgeous holey leaves that are so popular in nurseries and printed home decor right now. This is the most common variety of monstera we all know and love, and mostly what you’ll find when you go plant shopping.
It can grow up to 70 ft. Since It’s a tropical plant it requires high humidity so If you are living in a cold region or state you can still have Monstera deliciosa as an indoor plant and have a humidifier so it can survive.
Click here to read more about Monstera deliciosa.
2. Monstera Adansonii
Monstera Adansonii or the Swiss Cheese Vine. I know, I know, Monstera Deliciosa or the Swiss Cheese Plant But don’t be confused because it’s a vine type of monstera
If you’re looking for a smaller monstera plant, the Adansonii is the way to go. This plant is suitable for small spaces or hanging where it can trail down.

The Adansonii is a small monstera, but don’t let its size fool you. It’s just as beautiful and easy to care for as its larger counterparts. This plant is perfect for small spaces or hanging where it can trail down. Caring for this plant isn’t too stressful and could be the right gateway plant for your friends who don’t have the green thumb that you do.
Check out our blog about Monstera Adansonii.
3. Monstera OBLIQUA
Monstera Obliqua is a stunning plant that you won’t find in any nursery.

These monstera varieties are also very delicate and have only been spotted 17 times in their natural habitat (and not even in the wild). That makes it a scarce plant you might have to catch at a botanic garden if you’re lucky enough to spot it.
The leaves have holes rather than being made up entirely of leaf material, and those holes can take up 90% of each leaf! The leaves tend to be paper-thin, which makes this a very delicate plant.
Know more about Monstera Obliqua here.
4. Monstera Siltepecana
The Monstera Siltepecana is one of the most attractive and unique-looking monsteras you’ll find.

This monstera variety has large, teardrop-shaped leaves with smaller holes concentrated around the central vein. The amount of dark and light green hues on this plant varies depending on how much sunlight it receives but usually appears lighter than other monsteras. These are harder to find, but if you can get your hands on one, it will be worth the effort!
5. Monstera Dubia
Monstera dubia is the perfect houseplant for lovers of lush, green foliage.
This monstera variety is characterized by small, heart-shaped leaves with both dark and light green coloration. It’s not variegated per se, but approaching it. It grows like a vine with shorter stems and leaves that grow closer to whatever the plant is climbing.
These are tricky to find, but if you do see one, snatch it up! This plant will quickly become one of your favorites—and make all your friends jealous when they come over.
And Lastly…
6. Monstera Albo
Variegated monsteras aren’t separate plants; they’re simply plants with white or cream-colored leaves. Sometimes these plants even look painted with white paint. I personally love them!

The name “variegated” refers to plants that are patterned with white or cream color as well as green. These plants tend to be harder to find and are therefore much more expensive.
Many of the varieties on this list also come in a variegated form if you’re lucky enough to find them!
So, That’s it. I list the monstera varieties that I mostly popular on the internet. I hope this guide helps you to find out which variety of monstera you have.
If you have any suggestions please write in the comment section.
Thank you for reading!
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