Blood Meal: the perfect supplement for your soil

You may have heard about blood meal fertilizer before, but now that you have read this article, I’m sure you’ll have a better understanding of what it is and how much it is worth helping your garden.

A blood meal is the name for dried blood that has been processed for use as an organic fertilizer. It’s made by collecting dried blood from livestock, usually cows or sheep, and then drying it out to prevent spoilage. Once dried, blood meal can be stored for long periods of time without losing its nutrients or effectiveness as a fertilizer.

Is it the same as Manure?

No,There’s a lot of confusion about these two. Manure is a solid animal waste product used as a fertilizer.


How can blood meal help the soil?

When you grow a garden, you want the soil to be healthy. And you don’t want your soil to be unhealthy if you’re growing food.

What could be better than adding a layer of organic matter to the bottom of your garden?

We’ve all heard the saying “What’s good for your body is good for your soil.” But what does that mean? And why is it true?

Well, think of soil as a living thing. It is made up of various layers, each of which serves a particular function. Everything depends on soil structure because it fosters plant growth, retains water and nutrients, and protects them from too much heat or cold.

Soil health depends on many factors: how rich and fertile the soil is, how much organic matter it has (like compost or manure), and even how much water flows through it. But one of the most important things is adding blood meal to our soil!

Blood meal provides nutrients that are essential for healthy plant growth. It supplies nitrogen (a nutrient that plants need) in addition to phosphorus and potassium (which help plants grow). Additionally, blood meal contains trace minerals like zinc, magnesium, and iron that support the development of strong root systems in plants.

So adding blood meal to your soil will help us grow better crops with better yields!

Why should you use blood meal?

A blood meal is a great fertilizer in gardens because it has all of the same nutrients as traditional fertilizers but also holds more water than conventional fertilizers. This makes it perfect for helping plants get

It’s not a miracle product and it won’t solve all your gardening problems, but it has some benefits:

  1. It’s natural, which means you don’t have to worry about any harmful chemicals getting into your soil.
  2. It helps improve the soil structure, so it’s easier for water to penetrate and more nutrients can be absorbed by the plants.
  3. It also contains phosphorus, which helps regulate plant growth and helps build strong roots (which helps prevent diseases).

When applying blood meals, be careful to closely follow the instructions on how much you should use, as it is a very concentrated form of nitrogen. Too much nitrogen in the soil can burn, or kill your plants.


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2 thoughts on “Blood Meal: the perfect supplement for your soil”

  1. Pingback: Worm Casting: The Secret to Your Plants' Success - Monstera Bliss

  2. Pingback: fish meal - natural fertilizer - Monstera Bliss

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