Winter Monstera Care Guide

How To Survive, Thrive And Enjoy Your plant during winter

Most likely, if you have a Monstera plant in your home, you already adore its enormous, exquisite leaves. If so, it’s possible that you were sad when the leaves started to wilt up and fall off in the winter. You can keep your Monstera healthy and happy throughout the winter, so don’t worry.

It can be challenging to keep your Monstera content throughout the winter. Thankfully, there’s an easy way to keep your monstera happy and healthy.

Move indoors your monstera plants Before winter comes

Hey there!

Although we know that you adore your Monstera plant, it must be brought indoors for the winter.

We understand that you may be asking, “Why? It’s been doing so well outside!” However, your Monstera could perish if you don’t take care of it over the winter.

If you’re not sure when exactly to move your Monstera inside, here are some signs that indicate it’s time:

-Your plant has stopped growing new leaves or roots

-The leaves on your plant have started turning yellow or brown

-The leaves are beginning to droop over (this means they’re getting too cold)

Change the Soil of the monstera.

It’s time to change the soil in your Monsteras because winter is coming.

The best time to do this is after the plant has stopped growing for the season. This is because root rot brought on by overwatering might result in plant death. Waiting until they develop again in the spring will give you a better chance of repairing any harm done by overwatering throughout the winter.

Trim and Repot your monstera during winter

Winter is a great time to trim and repot your monstera plants!

If you’re looking for a reason to get out of the house this winter, we’ve got one: trimming and repotting your plants.

Although it may seem like a lot of labor, your plants will appreciate it. Trimming helps eliminate dead leaves, increasing the light that reaches your plant’s live components and promoting new growth. Your plant will be able to grow bigger and stronger than ever after repotting. Additionally, it gives them a new beginning so they can prosper in their new residence.

And don’t worry if you’re not sure how to do either of these things—we’ve got instructions on both at and!

Use Humidifier

It’s winter! We know you’re all about the monstera. It’s one of the most beautiful plants in existence and a great way to bring a bit of green into your home and it means something else: you need to keep them alive.

But winters can be hard on our monsteras. They need humidity to stay healthy, but that can be hard when the air is so dry. That’s why we recommend using a humidifier during winter for your monstera.

Humidifiers release moisture into the air, which will help keep your plant happy and healthy. You’ll also want to make sure you’re watering it regularly but don’t overdo it! You want just enough water so that there are no dry spots on its leaves or stems, but not too much so there are wet spots either (too much water can cause root rot).

So hopefully you’ve learned a thing or two about winter care for monstera plants. Now go out there and keep those beauties healthy and happy!

1 thought on “Winter Monstera Care Guide”

  1. Pingback: Monstera Plant Care: It's Not Easy Bein' Green - Monstera Bliss

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