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A blog about an understanding of the Monstera plant issue, along with some tips for fixing it. Do you have a Monstera leaves leans to one side? If so, you are not alone. It’s...
Have you ever considered creating your very own indoor jungle? The Monstera is one of the most popular and eye-catching houseplants, and for good reason. Its large, vibrant green leaves...
We all have that one plant, the one we can’t help but obsess over. The Monstera is that plant for me(Monstera Madness is it). I’ve had mine for about a year now, and it’s...
Are you wondering what soil is best for Monstera deliciosa? Luckily, many different blends will work and that you can use. Whether you want to purchase your ready-made mix, or easily...
For those of us who love plants, there’s nothing more comforting than the sound of the hum of a humidifier.Plants are living things, and they need moisture to survive. But if...
If you’ve ever wanted to bring some of the tropics into your home, Monstera Peru is the perfect choice. The Monstera Peru, also known as the Monstera Karstenianum, is a tropical...
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